Sunday Sessions I | April 14 | 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM

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Sunday Session 1A | The State of Financial Preparedness in a Diverse America | 1 CPE Credit


Most Americans have saved at least some money toward retirement. But retirement readiness looks markedly different across racial and ethnic groups. When it comes to retirement, there is a lot for Americans to consider. There are big-picture decisions like when to retire and what to do in retirement. But there are also tactical decisions with significant implications: when to start saving, how to save and how much to save. This report sheds light on how Americans across demographic groups are making these decisions, and what people's attitudes and experiences today suggest for our nation's financial future.

Learning Objectives

  1. Attendees will understand how retirement readiness differs across racial and ethnic groups.
  2. Attendees will understand how people's attitudes and experiences shape their retirement decisions.
  3. Attendees will learn about the tactical decisions involved in retirement planning.


Shelly Eweka, Senior Director, Advice Solutions, TIAA

Shelly is a nationally known financial planner and well-known speaker who has pushed to narrow the widening gap in retirement savings between genders and different races. After nearly three decades in financial services, Shelly serves as an expert on the Woman-to-Woman Community section of Within the firm, she launched a group called Black Indigenous Women of Color Financial Advisors/Planners of TIAA, and she’s a member of several other organizations – including ones for Black and female employees – that create leaders and influence culture. Shelly is frequently quoted by news outlets, such as Bloomberg, CNBC, USA Today, Black Enterprise, and CNN. She’s also been asked to speak at high-profile events designed for female audiences, such as the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) and the 2022 Women’s Network Conference, which is run by the N.C. chapter of the American Council on Education (ACE). In addition, she’s been part of a financial literacy webinar organized by George Washington University that was attended by national researchers, policymakers, and reporters. Shelly is a member of the Association of African American Financial Advisors, and she chairs the CFP Board’s Commission on Sanctions and Fitness and serves on the CFP Board Appeals Commission. She’s also an Arbitrator for FINRA and has chaired the Disciplinary and Ethics Commission of the CFP Board. Shelly received a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, a Masters of Taxation from Northeastern University, and a Certificate of Financial Planning from New York University. Per Shelly, there are no additional speakers for this session.

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Sunday Session 1B | Use the Direct Pay Investment Tax Credit Option (ITC) to meet your sustainability goals and reduce your deferred maintenance | 1 CPE Credit


Join us for an insightful speaking engagement tailored for university business officers, where we delve into how Energy Service companies like Schneider Electric can effectively address the challenges of deferred maintenance and prioritize campus infrastructure investment priorities such as carbon reduction strategies. Our discussion will offer a strategic approach to optimize your school's infrastructure investments to achieve your sustainability goals while reducing your deferred maintenance. Discover how a combination of energy efficiency solutions and a direct payment from the Investment Tax Credit can help your institution enhance operational efficiency, reduce deferred maintenance backlogs, and achieve sustainability goals. Gain valuable insights into leveraging your existing operating dollars to modernize your campus infrastructure while staying within budget constraints. This session promises to equip you with practical strategies to elevate your campus facilities and achieve long-term sustainability goals.

Learning Objectives

  1. Gain insights into understanding the direct pay Investment Tax Credit (ITC) process as approved in the Inflation Reduction Act legislation.
  2. Learn how to leverage these direct pay ITC funds to modernize your campus infrastructure while helping meet your sustainability and decarbonization goals and reduce your deferred maintenance.
  3. Acquire practical strategies to elevate campus facilities and achieve long-term sustainability goals, empowering university business officers with actionable steps to drive sustainable infrastructure improvements.


Kevin DeLeon, Program Manager, Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric utilizes innovative funding approaches to address deferred maintenance projects and enhance the learning, living, and working environments for our customers. Using innovative technologies and tailored strategies, we optimize energy performance, modernize infrastructure, and ensure a reliable, resilient, and sustainable future.

Barry Wilhelm

Bio coming soon!

Craig Mesenbrink

Bio coming soon!